Landed House Painting Services
Hiring a professional and trustworthy residential painter isn’t easy. That’s why, at Stamford Painters, we pride ourselves on making every step of your painting project transparent and pain-free. With Stamford Painters' online quoting engine, all you have to do is answer a few questions about your project, and we’ll provide you with the locally adjusted price, all inclusive of labor, paint and supplies. When you submit your information, a dedicated project manager will call or email you right back. They will be your single point of contact and will be there to answer questions about your project and help to schedule the painting contractors.
Why you should choose Stamford Painters for your next paint job
Landed Properties are an important asset class to home owners in Singapore. Thus, it is imperative that owners only engage professional painters, like Stamford Painters, for their homes.
Our licensed & professional painters have years of experience painting everything, including interior, house exteriors, and newly constructed or renovated house. Your personal team of painters will handle your painting project from end to end - from setup to cleanup.
Stamford Painters certified and licensed professional commercial painting contractors
Speedy quotes available in 1-5 business days
100% Satisfaction Guarantee to ensure you’re happy with the work